Complexity reduction

Principles, Methods and Challenges


Abbildung eines Labyrinths aus Beton von oben


Our daily experience as well as our scientific actions are determined by a constant reduction of complexity. When using a technical device, when creating a scientific model, when translating between languages, when analysing historical developments or when grasping complex systems and facts, ambiguities, uncertainties and contradictions are methodically excluded to a large extent by various principles of complexity reduction in order to be able to arrive at valid results. However, this raises a number of fundamental questions:

How are "universally" valid statements about formations and processes possible in a world that is seemingly so irreducibly marked by differences? Is complexity only given by the fact that epistemological and empirical means are not sufficient to grasp it? What role do (disciplinary) languages play in this? Is complexity a continuum that can only be reduced by interrupting the continuum at one point? Is complexity therefore unavoidable and are scientific means sometimes insufficient to capture it? What are the consequences? Can research only be done in teams? Do we need artificial intelligence to solve the problems? Are findings the end of theories?


OpenAI, 2023 - generated by

In the Age of the Polycrisis

How complex crises emerge and how we can confront them
Polycrises can potentially lead to the failure of political and societal systems. This interdisciplinary research project wants to conceptualize the emergence, development, and the progression of polycrises as well as study their impact on public and political discourses and crisis communication within selected countries.
Vor einem Programmiercode liegt ein weißes Türschloss, das wie von einem Licht kreisrund angestahlt wird. Der Code um das Schloss herum ist abgedunkelt

Complexityreduction, Explainability and Interpretability (KEI)

Algorithmen des Maschinellen Lernens (ML) treffen Vorhersagen, die für unseren Alltag relevant werden, aber warum sie so und nicht anders entscheiden, bleibt oft schwer nachvollziehbar, sie sind gewissermaßen „opak“. In unserem Projekt wollen wir verstehen, wie diese Opakheit entsteht und wie man sie rückwirkend aufheben könnte.
Neutral by Choice

Neutral by Choice

Cognitive Neuroscience meets Philosophy of Mind
Neutral states of mind are systematically underrepresented in contemporary philosophical theories and cognitive neuroscience. This project is an attempt to bring back the lost complexity and achieve a more naturalistic understanding of decision-making, in which there is the possibility of being decisively undecided.