Hindu Temple Legends

Illustration, die eine Tempelanlage mit Göttern, Menschen und Tieren zeigt. Die Menschen nähern sich des im Zentrum stehenden Gottes Shiva.
Conference of the project "Hindu Temple Legends in South India"

Date: 7-8 May 2024

Venue: Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities 

Contact: Prof. Dr. Ute Hüsken (huesken@uni-heidelberg.de)

Further information on the project: www.hadw-bw.de/htl



The research unit ‘Hindu Temple Legends in South India’ explores the temple legends of the South Indian city of Kanchipuram in their different forms of transmission and makes them accessible in a digital environment. At the core of the project is the production of digital editions of the Sanskrit and Tamil texts. In a second step, these editions are linked with the documentation of the respective temple architecture and iconography as well as the related rituals and oral traditions. In this way, textual and non-textual forms of the temple legends are brought together in a consolidated digital corpus, creating a new understanding of this important cultural heritage both in its historical significance and as living practice.

The Hindu Temple Legends conference brings together the members of the research unit and prominent international scholars. During the conference, the project members will present research papers that arise from their ongoing work on the temple legends of Kanchipuram. Their findings will be complemented by presentations on similar material from different locations by invited speakers.



Programm-Plakat der Konferenz Hindu Temple Legends

